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    Sunday, December 24, 2017

    Human anatomy suggest the best and healthy food to eat

    Most of us, humans are omnivorous. We choose to eat a wide variety of both plant and animal foods. Are you aware that we are anatomically herbivores? Herbivore means a plant-eating animal as contrasted to carnivore which is a meat-eating animal. If we are anatomically herbivores, then we should only eat plant foods and no meat.


    1. Dental Structure. Carnivores have sharp front teeth that are used for tearing meat. Herbivores as supposed to be like humans don’t have sharp front teeth but have flat rear molars for grinding. So then based on just examining our teeth, what should we eat?

    2. The Motion of the Jaw. Carnivores, when they eat, have singular jaw motion - their jaw just open and shut. Herbivores on the other hand, as can be observed with humans has 3-distinct motions: vertical (up and down), lateral (sideways) and forward/backward.

    3. Saliva. Carnivores cannot digest starch because they have acid saliva with no ptyalin enzyme to pre-digest grains. Herbivores just like humans, have alkaline saliva with ptyalin to pre-digest grains.

    4. Drinking. In taking in water, the carnivores lap it with their tongue. On the other hand, herbivores just in the same way with humans drink water by suction.

    5. Stomach. In order to digest the meat intake, carnivores have strong hydrochloric acid in the stomach whereas, herbivores and as well as humans have stomach acid that is 20 times weaker than of a carnivore.

    6. Intestines. The intestinal tract of the carnivores is just 3 times their body length so that rapidly decaying meat can pass through quickly. Herbivores and in the same way, humans have intestinal tract 10-12 times their body length. Thus, is if we eat meat that is rapidly decaying, chances are it will remain in our intestine and cause food poisoning or other disease such as cancer.

    7. Blood. Carnivores have higher ratio of alpha beta lipoprotein which in contrast with herbivores and humans who have lower ratio of alpha beta lipoprotein.

    8. Perspiring Route. Herbivores and humans perspire through skin pores that are not found with carnivores so the latter perspire through the tongue.

    9. Claws. Carnivores have claws (used to shred flesh) that are not present with herbivores and humans.

    10. Bile. Humans’ bile salt is like that of the herbivores and not in any way similar to that of the carnivores.

    During the 20th century, those who are rich can afford to feed, raise, and slaughter animals for meat. The less wealthy and the poor mostly take plant foods in their diet. Studies show that most people who have heart diseases and obese are these rich people who consume meat. Now a days, people can afford meat because it is low cost and easily available in the market. It can be observed also that fatal diseases such as heart disease, strokes, cancer along with obesity are rampant.
    Our human anatomy is not designed for consumption of meat that is why we incur such diseases. Isn’t this something to think about before we decide what foods to eat?
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    Item Reviewed: Human anatomy suggest the best and healthy food to eat Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Marjovelle Nepacena
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