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    Monday, September 25, 2017

    Eating spicy chili peppers for long life

    We know for a fact that we will all get old unless we die in an early age. Aging is something inevitable which we really need to deal with. Many are interested to find a fountain of youth that somehow brought about some ways to slow down aging. One of which is eating spicy foods like pepper and researchers are now further investigating these intriguing benefits of spicy peppers.

    A study published in The BMJ mentioned that people who love chili peppers might be eating their way to a longer life. Studies have shown that eating spicy foods, chili peppers in particular, once or twice a week can reduce the risk of death from ischemic heart disease, respiratory disease, cancer or diabetes by about 10 % than to those who eat less of spicy foods in a week. Meanwhile, those who are eating spicy foods six to seven times a week reduces the death risk by about 14%.

    Dr. Lu Qi a researcher and associate professor from Harvard School of Public Health studied the beneficial effects of spicy foods. Based on the preliminary research they’ve made, they found out that chili peppers became beneficial because of its component called capsaicin which can lower the inflammation in the body.

    Between 2004 and 2008 a study was performed in China and researchers showed that out of 485,000 Chinese people about 22,000 of them died within that period of time. People died for some reasons, family history, health conditions and they were less likely to eat spicy food. Further analysis also revealed that eating fresh chilies have stronger effect in combating diseases.

    Scientists believe that this study requires more researches and evidences so to strengthen the positive relationship between eating spicy foods and longer life. Though there are already findings, scientists are still looking for further evidences about this.

    Eating spicy foods like fresh chilies are so common in certain countries like Thailand, China, Taiwan, Korea and others. For most of them, eating food filled with spicy chilies is part of their culture and spicy food increases their appetite. As Thai people say: “If it’s not spicy, it’s not delicious”. These people seem to enjoy it and most of them are not even aware of its benefits.

    So if you want a cheap and easily available food for longer life, go and grab fresh chilies. Be cautious though in eating spicy foods especially if you are not used to it because your digestive system may not be prepared. Eat a little bit more each time until your stomach can take this hot and spicy fountain of youth!

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    Item Reviewed: Eating spicy chili peppers for long life Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Marjovelle Nepacena
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