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    Sunday, March 13, 2016


    tips to help you pass the board exam

    Graduation is not the end of the road for the most challenging is yet to come - the board examination. Passing the board examination is very important for the courses because it will determine if one can legally practice his/ her chosen field.

    There is no definite or right formula to pass an examination. Whether you are a first timer or someone who retakes, the feeling is the same. Passing the board examination is never an easy thing more so is true with the preparation needed to be done before that very day.

    To make things easier, here are helpful tips to pass the exam:


    Aim for the very best. Always aspire to be one of the top-notches. Setting your mind on that possibility will motivate you throughout your preparation time. Either you top the exam or at the very least be part of the board passers. If you will just aim to pass, the next possible thing that might happen is for you to fail.

    Search for the Table of Specifications. Table of specifications is the blueprint of your board examination. By doing this, you will be guided on what topics you will give more emphasis but remember do not underestimate any topic and take all seriously.

    Move away from Social Networking Sites. Distractors will never help. You can surf the internet all day long after the board exam.Try to control yourself. Remember, no pain no gain.

    Choose the best review materials. Read as many references as you can both in print and electronic form. Choose comprehensive reviewer based on the National Competency Based Standard of your course and the Table of Specification of your exam.

    Master the competencies in all the tests. Test your mastery of the competencies by doing practice test on your reviewers. Answer the test items given to the best of your ability and observe the time limit just like on the true board exam. Do not be afraid to commit mistakes because you will learn most from them. Be true to yourself. Do not look on the answer keys while having a practice exam.

    Learn to shade answer sheets correctly. Many board examinees fail the exam because of wrong shading. Practice shading using the replica of the answer sheet and the right pencil.

    Develop your reading comprehension skills. An excellent reading comprehension will give you greater chances of passing the exam. The very soul of passing is by understanding well all the questions.

    Be creative. Reviewing is really one of the best lullabies on earth. To avoid that, think of the techniques to make you feel amused like using highlighters and pen, which is fun.

    Relax. Information will be easily stored on your mind when you feel relaxed and alive. Do not pressure yourself too much. Your brain cannot process 24/7. If you feel loaded, stop and relax.

    Do not underestimate the exam. Whether you are an honor student or not, take the exam seriously like you will never want to take it again.

    Ask for someone’s help. Ask for advice from someone who passed the same examination. Surely, they will give you helpful advice that you can use on your review and even on the actual examination.

    Be inspired. Everything will be possible when you think of the people supporting you but remember, not to be pressured by the expectations of other people.

    Visit your room. It will be easier for you to relax on the very day when you know already the venue and the very room where you are going to take the exam. It will lessen your tension on the examination day.

    Ask and trust God. Always search for God’s presence on your life. Before and after reviewing, always pray. You can make your materials and yourself be blessed and prayed by your spiritual leaders. Do not just trust on your own understanding, nothing will be possible without Him.


    Wake up early. You never want to be late on that day. Start your day great!

    Check your materials. Be sure that you have with you all the important things and documents needed on your exam. If possible, you should have checked it already the day or two before the exam.

    Do not take any review materials. Trust on the preparation that you have done. If you still review on that day, you might encounter something that you have not review yet. The more you encounter something like that, the more you will be discouraged and nervous.

    Take something sweet and has menthol. Sweets can make you feel alert every time you feel sleepy and menthol can help you remember the things you have reviewed as it can open the nerves on your brain.

    Check the set of answer sheets given to you. You do not want to exert effort on something not for you. If something is wrong with your papers, do not be shy and immediately ask your proctor.

    Remember the proper shading. Shade moderately, not too heavy and too light.

    Be wise in answering. Answer the easy ones first after that, go back to the difficult ones and if you still do not know or remember the answer, make use of your first instinct and EDUCATED guess but as much as possible do not make use of guessing. Learn the art of elimination. Use your time well; do not be carried away with those examinees that pass their papers before the given time.


    Claim that you have passed the exam! Do not doubt yourself if you did your best. Put everything on God’s will and He will make you triumphant.

    Do not go to future tellers. You do not want to totally expect and later hurt by what they will say. Let the result talk to itself.

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    Item Reviewed: TESTED TIPS TO HELPS YOU PASS YOUR BOARD EXAM Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Klien Vhon
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